Sunday, August 5, 2007


I had originally started a blog to chronicle my experiences working as an inner-city high school teacher. That plan, however, was disrupted when my boyfriend and I decided to move to Southwestern Pennsylvania so that he could take a fabulous job. Now, instead of being a full-time urban teacher, we are moving to the middle of nowhere where I will be a full-time student and homemaker.

This is wonderful. This is fantastic. This gives me a chance to realize my Helen Nearing, Janet Lurhs, Jan Karon sensibilities! I will have time to bake bread, roast a perfect chicken, make an apple pie, and master the art of beef stew. Except...and here's the rub...I have no idea how to go about this. I don't know how to use bleach in a washing machine, or how to mop a floor, or how to make pancakes.

In short, I am cripplingly, shamefully domestically-challenged. So with the help of Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping: Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice and Home Comforts : The Art and Science of Keeping House, I am going to embark on a journey of discovery: self-discovery, and re-discovery as I attempt to become what so many women have fought against. I hope you will join me as the single city girl attempts to become the Country "Wife".

1 comment:

erin said...

I love the picture! And I think you should write a post about your blog title. It's fascinatin'. AND I can't wait to read more of your adventures!