Friday, October 19, 2007


Things that I Miss About Baltimore

1. The Red Canoe
2. Zeke's Coffee
3. Belvedere Market
4. The Farmer's Market
5. Golden West's breakfast creation the Bismark (essentially fried dough folded over and filled with blueberries. Oh. Man.)
6. The beautiful houses in Roland Park
7. The Charles Theatre
8. The Urbanite

Right now, I miss the Urbanite the most. If I had any technical saavy, or friends with technical skills, I would start my own similar magazine about Pittsburgh. Because Pittsburgh seems like it might be a cool little city. NOT as cool as Baltimore, mind you, because nothing could be, but nice in its own right.

Oh, imaginary YOU know how to start a magazine?

1 comment:

erin said...

Baltimore misses you, too, Sarah! I saw the Bismark the other day, and he didn't look so good without you...all those salty tears make his buttery crust all soggy.