Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blueprint's Swan Song

I went on a magazine-ordering rampage last September, subscribing to Gourmet, Food & Wine, Bon Appetite, Architectural Digest, Everyday Food, and Blueprint, which was a new creation of the Martha Stewart Empire.

As I read over that list it's very easy to track my passions: gorgeous food and gorgeous homes. Anyway...

I love most of these magazines. It is a wonderful feeling to finish your work for the day and be able to curl up on the sofa, mug of tea beside you, and slowly leaf through these glossy catalogues of wish fulfillment. Because that is what they are, at least to me. Do I really believe that I am going to wake up one morning and think, "today is the day that I am going to make Fennel and Carrot Slaw with Olive Dressing"?

Do I?

Actually, part of me does think that. A piece of me believes that there will come a time when the universe aligns just so, when all the elements of my life dance a harmonious rhumba, when my beautiful kitchen is replete with every possible convenience, and I will be a gourmet chef.

To some extent, every magazine I read fills this purpose. Architectural Digest lets me believe that one day I will live in a showcase, Everyday Food lets me believe that someday I can be organized enough to plan a month's-worth of menus at a go.

The only magazine that fell short was Blueprint. Even the pictures were ugly: cluttered and tacky, and nothing like what I expect from Martha (TM). And just as I was preparing to cancel my subscription, Martha & Co. realized the same thing. And so they absorbed the good parts into other magazines, and let Blueprint fade away.

Instead, as I found out yesterday, the are sending me Martha Stewart Living for the remainder of my subscription.

I haven't had time to really sit down and enjoy them (yes, them. I received February and March ON THE SAME DAY!), but they look oh so promising.

Thanks, Martha.

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